Lyric YUI - I Wanna Be
Lyric YUI - I Wanna Be
Katta bakari no techou nakushita dake na no ni
Ashita ga mienai sonna ki ga shita no
Isso no koto wasuretai kedo sonna koto kangaete itara
Kowaku natte sagashi mono wa nani?
I wanna be... Naritai jibun ni chikazuite imasu ka?
Toikakete miru tabi ni unazuite miru
I wanna be... "ichiban" ni nante nara naku tatte ii no
Tsuzuketai I wanna be... Soredake na no
Motto kiraku ni natte utatte yuketara
Kinou no koto nado kuyamu hazu wa nai
Isso no koto koko made nandatte sonna kaze ni kimetsukete mitara
Kodoku no saki sasayaku no wa dare?
I wanna be... Naritai jibun wa akogare no my star
Kodomo no koro kara zutto omoi tsuzuketa
I wanna be... Kurabetari shinai kiri ga nai kara ne
Me wo tojite mo I wanna be...
Kangae sugitara dame datte wakatteru kara
Chotto kurai nara isogashii hou ga ii
I wanna be... Naritai jibun ni chikazuite imasu ka?
Toikakete miru tabi ni unazuite miru
I wanna be... "ichiban" ni nante nara naku tatte ii no
Tsuzuketai I wanna be... Soredake na no
All I did was lose my new notebook
But it made me feel like I couldn’t see tomorrow
I wanted to just forget about it, but that thought scared me
What am I looking for?
I wanna be...have I gotten closer to the person I want to be?
I’ll try nodding every time I ask myself that
I wanna be...I don’t need to be “number one”
I just want to keep going, I wanna be... That’s all
If I could relax more when I sing
I wouldn’t regret what happened yesterday
If I try to just decide “No more”
Who will be whispering at the end of my loneliness?
I wanna be...the person I want to be is my star that I dreamed of
I’ve thought that since I was a kid
I wanna be...I won’t make comparisons, once you start doing that you can’t stop
Even when I close my eyes, I wanna be...
I know I shouldn’t think too much
So I prefer to be a little busy
I wanna be...have I gotten closer to the person I want to be?
I’ll try nodding every time I ask myself that
I wanna be...I don’t need to be “number one”
I just want to keep going, I wanna be... That’s all